After a couple of more general posts, we’re back to brewing again. This is another choice by Vicky from Mr. Wheeler’s book.
- Length: 25 litres
- Yeast: Windsor
- OG 1.042
- FG 1.012
- ABV 4.0%
Fermentable | Colour | lb: oz | Grams | Ratio |
Pale Malt | 5 EBC | 8 lbs. 14.8 oz | 4050 grams | 91.1% |
Crystal Malt | 130 EBC | 0 lbs. 7.7 oz | 220 grams | 4.9% |
Sugar, Household White | 0 EBC | 0 lbs. 6.1 oz | 175 grams | 3.9% |
Hop Variety | Type | Alpha | Time | lb: oz | grams | Ratio |
Challenger | Whole | 7.6 % | 90 mins | 0 lbs. 0.8 oz | 22 grams | 46.8% |
Target | Whole | 11.4 % | 90 mins | 0 lbs. 0.5 oz | 15 grams | 31.9% |
Styrian Goldings | Whole | 4.5 % | 10 mins | 0 lbs. 0.2 oz | 7 grams | 14.9% |
Irish Moss | Whole | 0 % | 10 mins | 0 lbs. 0.1 oz | 3 grams | 6.4% |
Final Volume: | 25 | Litres |
Original Gravity: | 1.041 | |
Final Gravity: | 1.008 | |
Alcohol Content: | 4.2% | ABV |
Total Liquor: | 34.8 | Litres |
Mash Liquor: | 10.7 | Litres |
Mash Efficiency: | 75 | % |
Bitterness: | 37 | EBU |
Colour: | 15 | EBC |
Strike temp 74C, mashed in 11:45 @ 66.6C, after 20 mins risen to 67.4C, after 80 mins back to 66.6C.
It’s a lovely afternoon, so I’ll do the boil outside to avoid faffing with the vent and steam.
Around 32 litres of wort, 1.016 @ 67C = 1.035 corrected, giving a mash efficiency of 85%.
Pitched the yeast into 25 litres of wort at 1.042, giving a brewhouse efficiency of 78%.
2011-03-14: Measured SG at 6°Bx with my shiny new refractometer, which is 1.012 given the starting gravity. Was intending to keg and bottle on Wednesday, but we’ll see where it is by then.
2011-03-19: Bit later than intended, but racked into barrel with 50g caster sugar. 10 bottles filled, and a brand new 5 litre mini-keg (thanks, Vicky, Brenda & Phil!). Rather cloudy, but that should settle out.
2011-04-16: Had my first bottle last night. A bit thin on initial taste, but that opens out into a lovely maltiness. Very nice beer, and perfectly bright. Very little carbonation, so in future I need more priming. The mini-keg instructions say 2-3g of sugar per litre, and I used 2g per litre for 25 litres = 50g caster sugar. Next batch I’ll try 2.5g per litre = 62.5g in 25 litres.