Taken from this recipe posted on the BrewUK website, and using a silly quantity of late hops for a decidedly un-stout-ish hoppiness.
- Length: 22 litres
- Yeast: Windsor
- OG 13Bx = 1.050
- FG 8Bx = 1.020
- ABV 4%
Fermentable | Colour | lb: oz | Grams | Ratio |
Pale Malt | 5 EBC | 11 lbs. 6.5 oz | 5180 grams | 84.2% |
Chocolate Malt | 1050 EBC | 0 lbs. 10.7 oz | 305 grams | 5% |
Crystal Malt | 130 EBC | 0 lbs. 8.6 oz | 245 grams | 4% |
Roasted Barley | 1350 EBC | 0 lbs. 4.2 oz | 120 grams | 2% |
Flaked Oats | 0 EBC | 0 lbs. 10.5 oz | 300 grams | 4.9% |
Hop Variety | Type | Alpha | Time | lb: oz | grams | Ratio |
Golding | Whole | 5.7 % | 75 mins | 0 lbs. 1.6 oz | 45 grams | 13% |
Golding | Whole | 5.7 % | 0 mins | 0 lbs. 3.5 oz | 100 grams | 43.5% |
Fuggle | Whole | 5.2 % | 0 mins | 0 lbs. 3.5 oz | 100 grams | 43.5% |
Final Volume: | 25 | Litres |
Original Gravity: | 1.050 | |
Final Gravity: | 1.014 | |
Alcohol Content: | 4.6% | ABV |
Total Liquor: | 36.6 | Litres |
Mash Liquor: | 15.4 | Litres |
Mash Efficiency: | 70 | % |
Bitterness: | 25 | EBU |
Colour: | 152 | EBC |
Given the 300g of late hops, I’ve toned them down to 100g each, as that’s just a packet and will leave me with a bit more wort. Gravity is bang on at 1.050.
Unlike the Sam Smith’s Oatmeal Stout I did earlier in the year, the oats haven’t been toasted.
Recipe says:
“Fermentation temp 20C. Should ferment in 7 days. Condition for 7 days at 12C then bottle using 1/2 teaspoon of sugar per 500ml. Warm condition for a 4 days at 20c then cellar for a 2 weeks to clear.”
I actually ended up with 22 litres of wort into the FV.
2011-10-24: Seems to be stuck at 8Bx = 1.020. It was there on Saturday, I gave it a gentle stir on Sunday, and it’s still there today (Monday). I’ll drop the temp to 12C for the conditioning and get it bottled next weekend.
2011-10-31: Bottled 12, rest in barrel, with 60g sugar. Still at 8Bx, so that’s all the Windsor managed – it is meant to have a moderate attenuation, clearly different to the Nottingham, as that always seems to get down to under 1.010!
2011-11-06: Having my first taste today. It’s good, not as hoppy tasting as I expected, but it’s a good oatmeal stout, with quite a bitter character. I think the Samuel Smiths Oatmeal Stout was better, though.