Another batch of this – haven’t done it in ages, and it’s certainly stout time of year!
Brewday details:
- Length: 25 litres
- OG: 1.054
- FG: 1.022
- ABV: 4.3%
BeerXml File: Oatmeal Stout
Oatmeal Stout
- Style: Oatmeal Stout
- Length: 25 litres
- Yeast: Windsor Yeast (Lallemand -)
- OG: 1.057
- FG: 1.013
- ABV: 5.8 %
- Colour: 74.9 EBC
- Bitterness: 36.9 IBUs
Name | Colour | Amount (kg) | % |
Maris Otter (Crisp) | 8 | 3.999 | 66 |
Oats, Flaked | 2 | 0.739 | 12 |
Brown Malt (Crisp) | 128 | 0.329 | 5 |
Crystal Malt - 60L (Thomas Fawcett) | 118 | 0.329 | 5 |
Roasted Barley (Thomas Fawcett) | 1200 | 0.259 | 4 |
Barley, Flaked (Thomas Fawcett) | 4 | 0.249 | 4 |
Chocolate (Crisp) | 1241 | 0.189 | 3 |
Total | 6.099 |
Name | Alpha | Form | Amount (g) | Time (mins) |
Bramling Cross | 7 | Leaf | 50 | 90 |
Hard water today: 234 meq/l. Using the Stout profile on the water treatment calculator at Jim’s, that’s 31ml CRS, 11.1g calcium chloride, and 5.3g salt. The latter two are just added into the boiler, along with the hops (might as well first wort them). I think I might add a little more Bramling Cross as aroma right at the end (flame-out instead of steep).
I was about 200g short of brown malt (I really should keep better records of how much I have of each!), so I upped the chocolate to 300g. Will probably make it a little sweeter, but I like the flavour of chocolate malt so I don’t really care.
I’ve also done a beta glucan rest for 30 minutes, with the oats and the flaked barley, and 10% (i.e. 400g) of the maris otter. I combined this with 3.8l of water, and brought it to around 37C, and left it on the stove. After 30 mins it was about 35C. I turned on the heat and brought it up to 67C, then took it out and added it to the mash tun. The mash temp after all this was about 64.5C.
Added 10g of flame-out Bramling Cross. Ended up with 26 litres in the boiler, 23 into the FV, at 1.054, which is an efficiency of 74%. Now waiting for the Windsor to rehydrate, and then I’ll get it pitched and on its merry way!
2013-12-01: Only down to 1.022, which is barely less than it was a couple of days ago, so I’ve gived in a bit of a stir to try and rouse the yeast.
2014-02-12: Never did drop lower than 1.022, so there’s a fair residual sweetness to it. It’s still a nicely balanced drink, though. Went down very well with my Dad over xmas when they were staying with us.